Wednesday, March 24, 2010

God’s messengers and the pastors of each generation

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

God’s messengers and the pastors of each generation

Main reference: Acts 7:51-60

Who persecuted and murdered God’s prophets, Jesus, and his disciples? How will the situation be different at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment?

In each and every generation, God chose and sent his messengers to his people to speak on his behalf. Unfortunately, the pastors and elders of each generation persecuted and murdered God’s prophets. They carried out this wicked work of persecution because they themselves had become corrupt—because they belonged to the devil. The scriptures testify about how this work of persecution was carried out in the time of the Old Testament, how it was carried out in the time of the New Testament, and how it is carried out at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. Just as God’s prophets, his chosen pastors, and his apostles were tormented in the past, they are still being persecuted today (Mt 23:34-35; Lk 11:47-51; Acts 7:51-53; Rv 11). Who was it that Jesus fought against in the four gospels? Who was it that persecuted and even crucified him? Who was it that Jesus’ disciples fought against, and by whom were they murdered? The adversaries of Jesus and his disciples were the elders and pastors of that generation (Mt 15:1-6). No one can deny that it was the elders and pastors of that time who persecuted and killed Jesus and his disciples (Mt 27; Jn 19:21-30; Acts 7:51-60).

What about the two witnesses who stand before the Lord in Rv 11? What about the people in the tabernacle? Who killed them?

Just like at the time of the first coming, the two witnesses and the people in the tabernacle were persecuted and killed by false pastors who decide to become affiliated with the beast, the devil. Those who have read and perceived the truth in the Old and New Testaments will agree that this testimony is true. In the four gospels, Jesus promised to send us a messenger to speak on his behalf (Mt 23:39; Rv 22:16). In addition, Jesus prophesied that this promised messenger will testify about all the chapters of Revelation when he comes. This messenger, as a matter of fact, is the one who sees and hears all the chapters of Revelation and who receives and delivers Jesus’ commands (Rv 1:2; Rv 10). Today, however, all nations have gone astray because of the figurative nation of Babylon and the pastors who belong to Satan. People have married the devil (Rv 17; Rv 18). The scriptures describe how these pastors and their congregation members have become intoxicated with the wine of adultery, which symbolizes the false teachings of the devil (Rv 17:1-5). Using different metaphors, the seed of weeds has been sown in the hearts of these people, and the venom of serpents has filled their entire bodies.

Today, the messenger Jesus promised has fought and overcome using the truth (Rv 12:7-11) by testifying about the events of Revelation according to what he saw and heard. He had to uproot the seed of weeds from their hearts before sowing again with God’s seed. He had to destroy the house the devil had made before re-building God’s house in their hearts. In other words, Jesus’ messenger had to help people be born again (Jer 1:10). He had to fight against Satan using the truth (Rv 17:14) to deliver God’s saints from the organization of Satan (Rv 18:1-4). Because he overcame, the messenger of Jesus is able to receive the blessings promised in Rv 2 and Rv 3.

All believers and pastors in this generation must understand the Bible and repent. They must ask, seek, and knock for the messenger whom Jesus our Lord promised in the New Testament (Mt 7:7-8; Rv 3:20).

No one in this world was able to understand Revelation because it was awaiting its fulfillment at the time of the second coming. No one was able to know it until the events of Revelation’s fulfillment appeared—until God opened it and showed it to us. Now, the time of the physical fulfillment of Revelation has come (Jn 16:25)! God has fulfilled the prophecies of Revelation and has shown their physical fulfillment to the one who overcomes. He has opened the scroll and has given it to the one who overcomes to eat. God commands that the one who overcomes should testify to the churches what he has seen and heard (Rv 10), and the one who overcomes is doing so accordingly.

The book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ (Rv 1:1). The testimony of Jesus is the testimony about the events that occurred in the location of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rv 1:2). Let us cast away our wicked hearts and step forward with good and noble hearts before Jesus. It is only when we receive the revelation and the testimony of Jesus Christ that we can acquire salvation (Mt 11:27). The testimony regarding the three entities of Revelation—the seven stars who betray (Rv 1:19-20; Rv 2; Rv 3; Rv 6), the beast who destroys (Rv 13; Rv 17), and the overcomer who saves by creating the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel (Rv 12; Rv 7)—is being clearly proclaimed by SCJ.

Among all the nations of the world, it is only SCJ Church of Jesus that has been created according to Jesus’ commands. It is only SCJ Church of Jesus that has been testifying about what has been revealed by Jesus. Today’s believers do not have God’s word in their hearts because their pastors do not have the word to teach them. Today’s pastors do not have the word in their hearts because their seminaries do not have the word. The seminaries do not have the word because they do not have the holy spirit that is the source of God’s word.

Unlike all the seminaries of the world, SCJ does has the word and the physical fulfillment of the word because God, Jesus, and the holy spirit of truth are with us (Rv 3:12; Rv 21). If you are trying to draw water from a dried up spring, no matter how hard you try or how long you wait you will never be able to drink water. The thirsty people of the world should come and find the spring where the living water flows. All the waterless springs of the world should stop desperately trying to keep believers for themselves (Mt 23:13). Instead, they should send their congregation members to the spring that is flowing with living water. If the pastors and believers of this generation continue refusing to repent, no one will be saved. This is the truth from the Lord. Pastors and believers who truly understand heaven and hell will repent.

Today, SCJ is growing rapidly because we have God, God’s word, and the physical fulfillment of God’s word with us.


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