Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Memoirs of the Passover from Woori church

A church I attended that was Woori church until I had moved to Gwangju.
The church was 'Conservative Reformed' that took care of in its entirety.
When a pastor spoke a sermon a part of historic in the Bible and
based on this he spoke instructive. I liked it.
However, there were something deficient in my heart.

So I actively participated the Bible study group in a church,
but it was just only puzzling Bible study making a fit outwardly.
Meanwhile, my workplace moved to outside of the city so I kept off a church.
Even making a excuse for work, I was absent from church.

By the way I had listened word from a guide who I knew.
First time I toke the word I was doubt that it was like a pastor's sermon.
I am so pleased because he explained all of things what I got curiosities of the Bible.
That was a wonderful God's word I have been heard so I thanked so much.
God's word is the promise. It was wrote those things - he promised with chosen peoples and how he accomplished the promise, about the Satan's work...
But when I knew that God's work will be completed at the last day, I could have repented that I did not know about anything the Bible for 30 years.
To assure certain of the Word, I have attended Zion Christian Center(institution of Bible study)
I knew that the Christian‘s world is closed to period of Revelation now.
When its times Jesus come,
I will try to be believer whom God acknowledge, to be the wheat into his barn not the weeds burned in the fire.
I am so thanked to God and Jesus to have heard God's Word.
To Every believers try to your ear heading to the Word,
you will be known Shinchonji is only the place where save you and Heaven will be done, Amen

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