Wednesday, September 8, 2010

my story of Dong-Rim church to a new heaven and a new earth

I was born a protestant. A religious life, it was like a habit, natural thing to me.
Works in church or offering, my mind and my body even harder, I thought 'it was my responsibility to do and God will be gladly accepted.' 'If I go to heaven, God will reward to me according to what I have done.' So I obeyed all things.
Then, when the times my hot heart getting cold, I met a senior. He said 'faith is relationship with God.' Also he said, 'Is our faith good to Him?' 'Why do we weary for His work?' 'There are lots of sect and speaking to heresy each other and say don't go there.' 'Why don't we unified?' He also said 'God says love each other.' 'But, aren't you curious slandering each other?'
I didn't realize how my faith was. I didn't look back how my faith was I just thought 'it's hard work.' I thought I worked hardly for church and God so it was all for God's work. Someone said 'Don't go any other churches because they are all heresy.' But I was shameful taking in his words. The others say just 'do not despair,' they also said 'other churches are just heresy so don't go there.
And I heard the word of truth flow of Shinchonji from the senior who I met before. I couldn't deny the word because it was certain and accurate according to five W's and one H. So I accepted the word from Shinchonji and I have attended.
It was truthful word never ever heard since I was born. After I have heard of it -truthful word, I had been seen other pastors in the world 'say lie' and I guessed I was to die. But all of things I thought and wondering seemed to be reward that why I was strenuous and tired in God's work. I am thanked to God allowed me the words of God's story in the Bible.
Moreover, after I came to Shinchonji I knew certainly that others gossip were not truth.
To all believers in the world. 'Do not falter to other rumors, just judge objectively and come to Shinchonji.'
According to the Bible 'the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit.' The commands which God and Jesus gave, it says 'do not persecute others.' By the way I was sad because they are easily spread rumors which is not proof.
However, as Jesus said 'Love your enemies'. I would pray more for them.
Now I am very pleased able to have the faith only in God, do not restrict in vain things of life.
Besides, I live with thanks everyday to came into Shinchonji where God is seated. I pray day after day to God´s purpose is realized what God desire.

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