Friday, April 30, 2010

Distinguishing those who belong to God from those who belong to Satan

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith

Distinguishing those who belong to God from those who belong to Satan

God and Jesus gave us commands to keep when they came into the world. Any actions that go against commands God and Jesus gave are actions that originate with the devil.

° Serve others and love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 22:37-39).

° Forgive others their sins and bless them (Mt 6:14-15; Mt 18:21-35; Rom 12:14).

° Rejoice and be glad when you are persecuted (Mt 5:10-12).

° Do not lie to one another (Col 3:9).

° Love your enemies (Mt 5:44).

° If your enemy is hungry, feed him (Rom 12:20).

° Do not criticize or judge others (Mt 7:1-5).

° Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer (1 Jn 3:13-16).

° If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two (Mt 5:41).

° Honor your father and mother (Mt 15:4-6; Mt 19:19).

° Gather all people, both good and bad, to fill the wedding hall (Mt 22:9-10; Lk 14:23).

° Go through the small gate and walk the narrow path to obtain life (Mt 7:13-14).

° A tree is recognized by its fruit (Lk 6:43-45).

° Give freely since you have received freely (Is 55:1; Mt 10:8; Rv 22:17).

° Do not add anything to or take anything away from the words of the Bible (Rv 22:18-19).

The commands listed above are just a few of the commands Jesus gave us.

In contrast to these commands, what are some actions that originate with Satan?

Whether or not people know to whom they belong, it is people’s own actions that determine whether they belong to God or to Satan. The Bible makes known God’s (good) and Satan’s (evil) intentions. Jesus commanded us to give freely what we have received freely. Anyone who disregards Jesus’ command and receives money for teaching the word is nothing but a hired hand. If he does not obey Jesus’ commands, he is a lawbreaker who carries out the commands of Satan.

Anyone who ignores Jesus’ warnings in Mt 7:1-5 and brazenly judges or criticizes others is a lawbreaker working on behalf of Satan. Jesus told us to forgive, love, and to bless one another. The devil’s people curse, murder, and persecute others instead of forgiving, loving, and blessing them. God’s people do not read and promote the arbitrary biblical commentaries that originate in the hearts of men. Jesus told us not to add anything to or subtract anything from the Bible. Anyone who dares to add to or subtract from the Bible simply does not believe in or obey the Lord’s commands. Their actions are arbitrary and disobedient. When people curse the promised messenger of the Lord instead of believing in him, they clearly reveal that they belong to the devil.

Many pastors and their congregation members have posted countless lies full of persecution, insults, and disparaging words on the Internet. Do you think they did this out of respect for Jesus’ commands in the Bible? Isn’t it more likely that all these slanderous words have actually originated with Satan’s teachings? We must discern according to the Bible. Who persecuted and killed the people God sent in the times of the Old and New Testaments? It was the priests and elders, who claimed to be orthodox and to have the deepest faith in God, that were responsible for killing God’s people (Mt 27; Mk 15; Acts 7:51-53).

Today, a messenger of the Lord has arrived. He pursues justice and fairness. He is teaching the revealed word, according to the five “W”s and one “H”, without adding or subtracting anything from the Bible. Despite this, people continue to call him a cult leader. These persecutors, without even knowing the Bible, boast about their false commentaries and claim to be the only orthodoxy. They purchase their ecclesiastical authority with money. If they are cursing the truth and the promised messenger today, how are they different from the people who persecuted God’s prophets, Jesus, and Jesus’ disciples in the past? Almost all pastors have heard of SCJ, its revealed word, and its mission centers where people study the word without cost. Almost all pastors have heard of the work of harvest and the establishment of the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel.

Today, SCJ is accomplishing amazing things that no one has ever accomplished. We have mastered the promises of the Bible and have created the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel by harvesting the first fruits (1 Cor 2:10; Rv 7; Rv 14). Instead of persecuting SCJ, people should come and rejoice with us. Why are people persecuting SCJ while God and his angels are rejoicing in SCJ?

I sincerely pray that everyone will obtain salvation by confirm!ing and believing this testimony.


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