Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Bible and commentaries

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith

The Bible and commentaries

In each generation, God chose people to write his words on his behalf. The book that contains these words of God is the Bible. It was God’s intention to have his prophecies that would be fulfilled in the future concealed in figurative language—sealed with seven seals—so that no one would understand the prophecies until the time appointed for their fulfillment had arrived (Is 29:9-14; Hos 12:10; Mt 13:10-11; Rv 5:1-3).

When the appointed time arrived, the Lord opened the book and gave it to his chosen pastor to convey its message to the world (Ez 3; Jn 16:25; Rv 10). In addition to opening the book, the Lord fulfills the words of the promises without adding to or subtracting from the words recorded in the Bible (Jn 19:30; Rv 21:6). At the time of fulfillment, believers attain salvation by seeing, hearing, and believing in the physical fulfillment of God’s promises (Jn 14:29). There is only one God and one Bible, both of which have a single purpose.

Commentaries, on the other hand, are interpretations of the scriptures that pastors speak of their own accord. There is only one Bible, but there are hundreds of different commentaries that vary widely in terms of content. Does any commentary give a perfect explanation of the Bible? These commentaries are nothing but people’s personal interpretations of the scriptures. Some of the pastors who have written commentaries have even stolen the revealed word they have learned from SCJ and have added their own opinions to it. From whom did they receive these personal interpretations that they speak of their own accord? Obviously, such things are not from God, Jesus, or the holy spirit. The pastors of this world are preaching their sermons based on their own commentaries to this very moment. If they cannot understand the Bible, would it not be better for them to teach only what the Bible says instead of teaching their own false interpretations?

Why is it a problem that the commentaries are lies, far away from the true meaning of the Bible?

If the word is referred to as the seed (Lk 8:11), then lies can be symbolized by the weeds. Weeds are sown by the devil and represent the wicked sons of the devil (Mt 13:38-39). Jesus is the true vine (Jn 15:1-5), but false pastors are wild vines (Is 5; Dt 32). Wine comes from grapes, and grapes come from vines. If a vine symbolizes a person, then that person’s words are the wine from their vine.

Revelation 17 and 18 show us that all nations have been destroyed by the wine of adulteries. The kings and the inhabitants of the earth have been led astray for the same reason. The merchants and all who earn their living from the sea have also done business through the wine of adulteries, which is symbolized by their products.

Babylon in Rv 17 is the home of demons and the haunt for every unclean and evil spirit. The prostitute is the one who unites with evil spirits and her group is symbolized by Babylon. The prostitute is a figurative woman referring to a pastor. The prostitute in Rv 17 has associated with the devil of Babylon instead of Jesus, and she has received the seed of the devil (his word). The seed of the devil is the same as the wine of adulteries, which represents the lies of biblical commentaries. All nations have collapsed because of the commentaries. The temples of people’s hearts have fallen (1 Cor 3:9) and have become fields where the weeds have been sown. For these reasons, it is the task of the returning Jesus to deliver and redeem people from Babylon (Rv 17:14; Rv 18:4).

People who dwell in Babylon, the kingdom of demons, will be able to attain salvation only after they come out of Babylon by hearing the revealed word—only after they are reborn of the water and the holy spirit (Jn 3:5-6). For this reason, the word “salvation” is necessary for carrying out our life of faith. Not knowing the Bible is not knowing one’s true allegiance, not knowing the time and place of the physical fulfillment of Revelation, and not knowing the true identities of the betrayers, destroyers, and the savior who are supposed to appear at that promised location. The book of Revelation must be fulfilled. If this is the case, then everyone must realize where they are and to whom they belong at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. Everyone must go to the place where they can obtain salvation. Anyone who claims to have received salvation and the holy spirit—anyone who claims to be orthodox—without knowing every one of the points mentioned above and without having seen the physical fulfillment of Revelation is lying. Speaking lies is the same as sowing weeds.

Let us know the Bible and SCJ correctly! Let us also become people who know the true pastor. We at SCJ are only testifying to what we have seen and heard. God’s believers must obey the words of revelation in Rv 5 and Rv 10 instead of obeying the biblical commentaries of men.


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