Saturday, April 24, 2010

Writing one's memoirs of the Passover

Writing one's memoirs of the Passover

I began to be a christian through an elder of one church who were living together in the house in 1991 when I moved from my home town to the home in Gwan-ju city. At that time, I took the treatment for tuberculosis twice, and the function of my stomach was totally quit for its aftereffect, so I couldn't eat any food. Finally, I got diagnosis with incurable illness from a hospital. However, I strongly believed that God would save my life who were getting dead.

The reason was that I started believing Jesus would save me if I repented by myself after reading the part that Jesus save dead Lazarus on John of the bible. Therefore, I began to go to the church not only in dawn for service, but also devotional service for illness people. And then, I experienced my incurable illness was recovered after 40 days since he started to pray himself. It seemed like miracle, and I saw golden chair and fireball passed over me. To my surprise, my disease, tuberculosis, was clear, so I could eat meals. After that, my faith toward God was getting strong, and begin reading the bible relying on religious belief more and more. However, I always felt hard to control my mind although relying on belief hard, and doubted about myself who had not changed. Jesus said if one is born of water and the Spirit, he can enter the kingdom of God, but I was not sure whether it really means to be baptized, I can be saved my life, or I can enter the kingdom of God. My priest told me that I should not read Revelation, and after I heard that word from my priest, I got more interesting in Revelation and wanted to read it more and more. Therefore, I read and read it, but it was really difficult to understand. I really wondered why the bible which God gave for his children is so difficult to understand.

Everybody seemed to know everything related to the bible, but only I seemed not to know it. I really wanted to know the meaning of the bible, so I decided to pray for 40 days. I prayed sincerely toward God to know about the bible. While praying like that, my curiosity was all solved through a deaconess who encountered me, and a preacher of his church explained clearly all of things about bible. How clear the bible was solved from who, when, where, what, how, and why questions! It seemed to be like lyrics of hymn, which was sweet and mysterious word of God. I always wondered the word on the bible, "The kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old", preachers and members in Shinchonji were the substance of the word. I really thank God sincerely for guiding me to Shinchonji where God, Jesus, and his revealed words exist.

Like the word of Jesus that 'No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him,' God really guided me following the word of God. Thank you! I will try to sincere person with belief toward God.

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