Monday, May 17, 2010

The laws of heaven and the laws of the world

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith

The laws of heaven and the laws of the world

There are laws in heaven and on earth. The laws of heaven were created by God, but the laws of the world were created by the people of the earth. The laws of heaven are recorded in the 66 books of the Bible, but the laws of the world are recorded in law books. There are judges that pass judgment according to the laws of heaven and judges that pass judgment according to the the laws of the world. The judge of heaven is the one who has mastered the laws of heaven, which are the 66 books of the Bible. Worldly judges, on the other hand, have mastered the laws of the world, which are recorded in law books. Only those who have mastered the law are qualified to be judges. Obviously, the law and the judge are different. If a judge misunderstands the law and misuses it, the blame falls solely on the judge—the law is not at fault. This mistaken judge must himself be punished according to the law. This is the same logic applies to the law of heaven and the laws of the world.

In the world, a person can only become a judge after being trained, passing an exam, and being appointed by the government. Judges declare criminals guilty or not guilty before sentencing them to be punished for their misdeeds according to the law books. Whether a criminal was acting out of ignorance or out of greed—regardless of all excuses—those who break the law must be punished. No matter who you are, everyone is subject to more that just the laws of the world. A criminal’s crimes do not just disappear when he is sent to jail or executed. Just because a sentence has been carried out on earth does not mean the criminal is exempted from judgment under the law of heaven. Sins against the law of heaven are actually much more serious than sins against the laws of the world.

The laws of heaven are the laws of religion. Mastery of the laws of the world is not the same as mastery of the laws of heaven. No matter how blameless they might be according to the laws of the world, not even worldly judges and prosecutors can free themselves from sins against the laws of heaven. The laws of heaven, as implied by the name, are higher than the laws of the world. Only those who know the laws of heaven will understand and agree with this point. According to the laws of the world, people can be found guilty and sentenced to death. The judgment of heaven, however, is carried out differently from the judgment of the world. A person can only be appointed as a judge after mastering the laws of the world and passing an exam. In the same way, a person who has mastered the law of heaven is appointed by God to be a judge of heaven. The judge of heaven is a priest or pastor sealed with the word. The judges of heaven refer first, to the one who overcomes Satan (Rv 21:7), second, to the leaders of the twelve tribes (Mt 19:28), and third, to the 144,000 priests of God’s kingdom (Rv 7; Rv 14). Sins against the laws of heaven can be divided into three categories: original sins that have been around since Adam’s time, hereditary sins that have been passed down from our ancestors, and personal sins that each person commits as an individual. No one can be saved, either physically or spiritually, without receiving forgiveness for sin. Without forgiveness, everyone must face the final judgment.

For what sins do the laws of heaven hold people accountable? Refusing to believe in God is a sin, and refusing to believe in God’s words of promise is the same as refusing to believe in God. Refusing to believe in the words of promise is the same as refusing to believe in the words of the New Testament (i.e. the new covenant). The new covenant, which was established through Jesus’ blood, demands that God’s people put God’s laws—especially the words of the New Testament—in their minds and write them on their hearts (Heb 8:6-13). This is the way to master the law books of heaven and the way to be sealed by the word. Those who master the Bible (i.e. the law books of heaven) are the judges of heaven who can pass judgment according to the laws of heaven. Even kings and presidents—people with physical riches and authority—will be subject to the judges of heaven. This is the law of religion. Everyone will be judged according to their deeds as recorded in the law (Rv 22:11-12; Rv 20:12). Not a single word or the least stroke of a pen (Mt 5:18) will be added or subtracted from the laws of heaven (Rv 22:18-19).

If a worldly judge misunderstands a case and acts unjustly out of ignorance by sentencing an innocent person to death, then the judge becomes a murderer. Pastors are supposed to be the judges of heaven who have mastered the Bible. If a pastor misunderstands the laws of heaven and acts unjustly by condemning the truly orthodox as a cult, then the pastor becomes a murderer just like the Jewish leaders who persecuted and killed the prophets and Jesus (Acts 24:5, 14). All false theologians, false pastors, and other spiritual leaders who have failed to master the Bible should be dismissed from their churches. They should repent because it is what God and his people desire.

According to Jesus’ word of promise, judgment will be passed in the last days (Jn 12:48; Rv 20:12). The true judges and rulers of God’s kingdom are Jesus’ twelve disciples (Mt 19:28; Lk 22:18-30) and the twelve tribes promised in and sealed according to the book of Revelation (Rv 7:3-8). They are the judges appointed by heaven to judge everyone on earth.

The blood Jesus shed on the cross grants the atonement of sin to those who keep the new covenant promised by Jesus (Rv 1:5-6; Rv 5:9-10; Rv 7:13-14). The worst punishment according to the laws of the world is life imprisonment or death, but the laws of heaven demand eternal suffering in the fiery lake of burning sulfur (Rv 21:8).

We must believe in the new covenant to attain salvation and eternal life. The scriptures compare the days of the son of man to the days of Noah and Lot (Mt 24:37-39). They make it clear that we must flee to the mountain when we see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place (Mt 24:15-16). Will anyone who stays instead of fleeing receive salvation? Only those who know and believe in the new covenant will be able to enter the shelter of salvation.

No one has been able to master the 66 books of the Bible for the past 6,000 years. Today, however, the Bible is being mastered. Its promises are being fulfilled in the Republic of Korea. We are testifying about the physical fulfillment of the prophecies according to what we have seen and heard. It is now time for the religious world to fulfill righteousness and fairness. I believe that everyone who truly believes in the Bible will attain salvation by verifying and believing in this testimony.


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