Friday, July 2, 2010

Shinchonji - Contrasting Calvinism and the Church of Jesus

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Contrasting Calvinism and the Church of Jesus

Which of these two churches is a cult? Which of them is carried along by the holy spirit and which by demons? The entire Bible acts as the standard that answers these questions (Jn 12:48; Rv 20:12).

Catholicism, which itself emerged from Judaism, long ago concluded that Calvin and his followers should be considered a cult (please refer to any encyclopedia). Why did the Catholics consider the Calvinists a cult?

Calvin, after having amassed considerable ecclesiastical authority in Geneva, taught his doctrine predestination without acknowledging the book of Revelation. He recklessly executed those who refused to believe in predestination and convert to the Calvinist religion. These lawless actions of Calvin and his followers are a matter of historical record. The false doctrine of predestination can also, without a doubt, be directly linked to Calvin. These are the reasons the Catholics considered the Calvinists to be a cult. In fact, the modern Presbyterian Church is so clearly rooted in Calvinism that Calvin can be considered the founder of Presbyterianism.

The Church of Jesus is the religion of love

God loved the world so much that he sent us his one and only son (Jn 3:16). Jesus laid down his life for sinners in a demonstration of God’s love (Jn 1:29). Jesus came as a servant (Mt 20:28) who healed the sick (Mt 12:9-21; Jn 9) and restored the dead to life (Jn 11). He commanded his followers to forgive, love, and bless others (Mt 18; 1 Jn 4:7-21). He told his followers not to criticize, judge, persecute, lie, or murder others. Jesus told us to love our enemies (Mt 5:44; Lk 6:27-38). In addition to these teachings, Jesus said only those who receive a revelation can know God, and that only those who know God can attain eternal life (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3). In fact, anyone who believes in Jesus receives the right to become a child of God (Jn 1:12-13).

Differences between the Church of Jesus and Calvinism

Calvin taught about predestination without acknowledging the commands and teachings of Jesus. Calvin did not consider the book of Revelation, which contains Jesus’ revelation, to be legitimate. Under the veil of religious reformation, Calvin murdered people who refused to adhere to his doctrines. These are the teachings and actions of Calvinism, not the Church of Jesus. The book of Revelation says that anyone who adds anything to or subtracts anything from Revelation will receive the plagues of Revelation and have no share in the kingdom of heaven (Rv 22:18-19). Everyone should carefully examine themselves through these teachings.

Just like Calvin, Presbyterian churches in Korea, which were established by Calvin, have been confining believers in mental institutes. These victims are guilty only of refusing to acknowledge the doctrines and ecclesiastical authority of the Presbyterian Church—refusing to convert to Presbyterianism. The leaders of one Korean Presbyterian church did not even hesitate to brainwash the family of one of our congregation members to beat our member to death. They even charge exorbitant fees for their conversion education courses. Do these sound like people who believe in Jesus’ statement, “Freely you received, freely give” (Mt 10:8)?

As if these lawless acts were not enough, the Korean Presbyterian Church also bowed down to a gentile god [1] just as Solomon did (1 Kgs 10-11) before beginning their worship services. This occurred during the most recent Japanese colonization of Korea. In fact, one Korean Christian denomination, known as Goshin, emerged from the Korean Presbyterian Church at that time. They came out and proclaimed that there was no longer any salvation in the Presbyterian Church because it had turned to worshiping gentile gods.

The following are excerpts from a presentation by a pastor named Shim. Pastor Shim presented his research about the CCK at the 7th Korea Press Forum (April 24, 2008) held by the Korean Christian Press Association under the title “The true identity of the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) and our activities against it.” There seem to be two primary opinions regarding the origin of the CCK. The first points to a political origin for the CCK, but some still claim that the CCK was founded for religious purposes because it is an organization of conservative Protestant denominations.

“The CCK is a group of conservative Christians founded to realize the political agenda of a man named Mr. Kim. Christians were gathered and mobilized to support an amendment of the Korean Constitution that would allow President Jeonghee Park (the military dictator) to run for three consecutive terms.”

There is another explanation for the origin of the CCK found on the same page.

“The CCK is an association of Korean Protestant denominations founded in 1989. Most of its members now belong to the Korean Presbyterian Church of Jesus. The CCK is considered to be representative of conservative Christian organizations.”

(This content was on the CCK website, but has since been removed. We are quoting statements made by the author.)

At the same forum, Pastor Kang presented “Examining the reality of the CCK.” According to Pastor Kang, the former president of CCK’s Korean Cult Prevention Center, Mr. Moh, was happy to publicly announce that the chairman of the Korean Cult Prevention Center was a public prosecutor general, and that many of its members were themselves prosecutors.

The CCK and its Korean Cult Prevention Center call themselves and their denominations orthodox while persecuting as heretics other believers who carry out their spiritual lives according to the Bible.

In the last days of the Christian world, however, there is no orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is re-created only when the promises of Revelation (Rv 7; Rv 10; Rv 14-15; Rv 21) are fulfilled with the creation of the twelve tribes of Shinchonji Church of Jesus. The people of Shinchonji have mastered the Bible. They learn and teach revelation theology clearly and logically (i.e. according to the 5Ws and 1H). People who do not know Revelation, who deny its fulfillment, and who are not created according to the purpose of Revelation cannot be orthodox. These believers live their lives of faith according to mere tradition. Although many heretics call the twelve tribes a cult, the twelve tribes have been appointed by heaven. Shinchonji’s twelve tribes are the only biblical orthodoxy acknowledged by God.

In the last days of the Christian world, those who claim to be orthodox and to have attained salvation before the prophecies of the New Testament (i.e. Revelation) are fulfilled—before the events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation occur—are heretics who deny the Bible. They sow the seeds of the devil by fabricating lies and carry out deeds of deception. Although there are many Christians at the end of the age, which is the time of the harvest, there is only one place Christians must go (Rv 14; Rv 15). The time of Revelation’s fulfillment is the time of the harvest. Before the time of the harvest arrives, those who claim to be orthodox are liars and false believers. It is only when people are harvested and sealed with the new song that they can become orthodox (Rv 7:3-4; Rv 14:1-5).

No one should deny the Bible. Anyone who calls Shinchonji Church of Jesus a cult is himself a heretic. By saying such a thing he simply proves himself to be a person who denies the Bible.


[1] The Japanese emperor was worshiped as a god.


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