Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Passover story of mine from Podowon Church to Shinchonji

When I was a young I found a church by myself. That was a Podowon church.
And I evangelized my family.
For 30 years I went to a church and I prayed when every important occasion occurs. By the way I knew I couldn't pray anymore.
Also I had got feelings of life I wondered that our life was expected and my destiny too.
Therefore I asked to fortune teller.
It was not completed. I was confidence but I found that I couldn't do anything n this life I couldn't do anything my will.
I thought I will keep in faith rightly.
What contents are in the Bible?
If pastors got a holy spirit from God, how they were corrupted? Because they are human so they could make a mistake??
God's servant who holy spirit from God should do good behaviour. taking a power, wealth, women I couldn't understand.
Why gave God the Bible us? There will be a certain messages.
The Bible is a bestseller, It will not be changed truth word in the world and the first and the Last....
Someday I got lots of wonders. Thinking of my faith during 30 years, I could not say 'I can get saved.'
What do I believe? and what is saving? and more I want to know about 'heaven'.
I want to more curious of the Bible-
We are expecting 'welcome Jesus in the second coming' but he said 'I will come like a thief' and the Bible said he will come in cloud and whoever lives and believes in me will never die and so on....
I want to know all about messages in the Bible.
At last I met the word what I want to know -
How do I pray like Jesus? What must do I believe?
Work for God? knowing God? what is the blessed that God want to give us ? and what is the curse? All things are written in the Bible.
Every thing is amazed!
In the Bible, it is written the way of heaven. Do not count how many blessed you get.
Just think of it, you can get curse if you don't keep it(the Bible) in your mind
God's will is healing the nations.

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