Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shinchonji - The fruit of persecution

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji - The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

The fruit of persecution

People who are persecuted will be rewarded in heaven, but their persecutors will be eternally punished in the fiery furnace of hell. The words of the Bible act as a testimony that determines who is rewarded and who is punished (Mt 5:10-12; Acts 7:51-53; Jn 15:18-23).

After Adam sinned (Gn 3), God left the world of humans (Gn 6:3), and Satan took control (Lk 4:5-7; Rv 18:2-3, 23). Under the management of Satan, the “pastors” of the world despised, persecuted, and killed every person God sent (Mt 23:34-35). These murderers of God’s messengers were the pastors of the day who claimed to believe in God the most (Mt 26-27). The Bible says that the end of the world will also be like this (Rv 13, 18). The promise God made to Abraham was fulfilled (Mt 15; Ex 12). The promises of the Old Testament have also been fulfilled (Lk 24:44; Jn 19:30). Today, the promises of the New Testament are being fulfilled (Jn 14:29). These promises were briefly mentioned in the four gospels, but after Jesus’ ascension, God spoke fully about the coming of perfection in Revelation. He also forbid anyone to add or subtract anything from his message (Rv 22:18-19).

Will the New testament Jesus promised be fulfilled? Will we understand and believe in the fulfillment when it comes? Won’t there be persecution? If there is persecution, who will be doing the persecuting? Will it be believers or non-believers? Which religion will lead the persecution? If things follow the pattern of previous generations, it will be Christianity that persecutes the truth. Who, then, among Christians, will persecute others?

In the time of the first coming, the religious leaders (pastors) persecuted God without even realizing it because they persecuted Jesus, to whom God had come and with whom God had united—they persecuted God because they did not know him. Jesus asked if he would be able to find people with faith at the time of his second coming (Lk 18:8). Jesus is returning in spirit to unite with the one who comes in Jesus’ name (Rv 1:7; Jn 14:26; Rv 3:12, 21). Will today’s pastors recognize the pastor who comes in Jesus’ name? Will they follow him or persecute him? In fact, he has already come, and the pastors of the world are already persecuting him.

What will the outcome of all this be? Believers who understand the meaning of Revelation 17 know that their own pastors are their actual enemies. Those who desire a true life of faith should go to the place that is being persecuted and confirm! for themselves with the Bible who is acting according to the path of truth. Worldly churches are easy to enter. You can become a favored member of just by attending well, volunteering, and giving plenty of offerings. Shinchonji Church of Jesus, however, is different. Believers who love God’s word and seek the truth are attend a course of study that includes basic, introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels over the course of 8 months. Prospective members must pass a test on their knowledge of the Bible after each level in order to progress. After the course is completed, they must also pass a final test with a 90% or better to graduate. People who fail this graduation test must receive the training again.

Graduates of our Bible training program are recommended to return to their old churches to teach the congregation members their new-found knowledge of the Bible. Under certain circumstances, however, some people are allowed to attend Shinchonji churches after they receive a month-long new member’s training course. Once a new congregation member joins, he or she enters a department that belongs to a branch church under one of the twelve tribes. Then he or she can eventually be registered in the church by steadily living a proper life of faith. After these church members are sealed with the word, they receive certificates and are registered with the Shinchonji headquarters. Thus, it is only by diligently following this prescribed course that a person can master the Bible, be sealed with the word, and ultimately be registered with the Shinchonji headquarters.

These people who have been registered are the proper family of Shinchonji. No one else is allowed to attend Shinchonji Church of Jesus because Shinchonji is the holy place where God dwells. This is the major difference between Shinchonji and the churches of the world. If we were to count the total number of people that have been networked to Shinchonji, we would have more believers than any other single religious group on earth.

This world is full of lying religious professors and false pastors who buy their ministerial licenses with money. Those who managed to graduate from a theological seminary still do not understand the true meaning of the Bible, yet they continue to act as pastors. Comparing the level of biblical understanding of a sealed member of Shinchonji with one of these worldly pastors is like comparing heaven and earth. All the false theologians and false pastors should repent and resign their positions. Shouldn’t all pastors be acknowledged only after passing a test to demonstrate their understanding of the Bible? It is only then that they should be allowed to stand in the pulpit and lead a group of believers. If all Christian churches worked this way, they would be acknowledged by God and by the the world. They would receive God’s blessings.

Those who have acknowledged our teachings will come to Shinchonji Church of Jesus to learn.


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