Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Testimony of the book of Revelation from Shinchonji

▲Photo of Shinchonji’s guides welcome with big bow

Coming up surprising religious in Korea that is, the temple - the tabanacle of the Testimony has been begun.!

However, other religious are pointed to Shinchonji “heresy” Why are they calling like that?

We have interviewed with people, they say “others go to Shinchonji becoming hooked” or assault and restraint in Shinchonji.

If Shinchonji is other sect, attendees should be decreased, nevertheless many people attend Shinchonji.

Shinchonji has been started the place of Gwachon in Korean 28 years have passed.

▲Photo of guide people who are coming into the assembly

The reasons of why Shinchonji had the assembly(testified the book of Revelation) because they wanted to testify they have only testified word and God and Jesus with Shinchonji.

The assembly held all of the country and Gwangju had held the 30 and 31. May. It held twice each and attended 5500. The topics of the lectures in assembly are ‘the sign of second coming and of the end the age’ and ‘two types of seeds and harvest.’

The assembly of Shinchonji gave people newly hope.

Lecturer Mr. You who preacher “Christianity insisted that about the sign of second coming, with armageddon create new heaven and new earth, and rapture but in the Bible says ‘the end of the world the Satan who deceived all nations was ended, all everything will changed renew and Shinchonji will come finally.

He , in his lecture. said “the Bible says, armageddon is spiritual war between God’s side and Satan’s side.” he said he wanted that many christians come back to the Bible .

▲Photo of people who are listening the lecturer

▲Photo of people listening
▲ Photo of crowed people in the assembly

Also, “He mentioned that believers can surely realise weither believers stay still in his church or go to the barn and where it is through ‘two seeds and harvest.’

In addition, he said, “Believers should know His promise and if he doesn’t know about it he can’t believe even tough God’s promise is accomplished.” And The end what the Bible says is not same as the end of the earth. It’s end of churches.

They came in with a heavy heart but as a lecturer You. speak, attendees’ face had changed brightly and listened courteously.

This assembly is concentrated by all churches in Korea because of among the disbanding exercise CCK(the christian council of Korea). Shinchonji is pointed as a heresy group by CCK.

▲Photo of people writing the lecture
▲Photo of outside of the building
▲Photo of outside of the building at night


  1. Thank you, Shinchonji! i didn't know there was a Peter Tribe blog here! Good job, guys!

  2. Thanks truly for doing to know the meaning of the truth and God.Alleluia!!!
