Sunday, November 27, 2011

The announcement of report to the press and churches in Korea

The announcement of report to the press and churches in Korea

“Churches in Korea, do not interrupt believers who want to go to ‘Shinchonji(New heaven and New earth) -The city of truth’ and the press must report the truth of Shinchonji without prejudice.”
-  The statement of association of Presbyterian and the elders who attended in ‘Shinchonji Open Bible seminar’ –
The association of Presbyterian is a group that the elders recently joined Shinchonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. We appreciate the Shinchonji words after attending ‘Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar’ held on 26~27th of last September, and we issue a joint statement with the Presbyterian in Protestantism who repents of slandering Shinchonji in front of God.

We found true shepherd, true God and spirit of truth.
- We were once leaders who got respected from society and churches that we served. In addition, we were Presbyterians who were persecuting Shinchonji for honoring pastors wish. Although each elder heard the words of Shinchonji as different reasons, we together found true shepherd, true God, and the true spirit in Shinchonji. The words made us take shinchonji for salvation that is purpose of faith.

● It is the manifestation of the holy spirit that approximately 8,000 people registered to the mission center only for two days..
- Last Shinchonji Open Bible seminar, hundreds of elders in Korea visit ‘Open Bible seminar’ to find out any fault but nothing found. Far from blaming Shinchonji, they registered at mission center to study the Bible instead. What we found so far is that Shinchonji is the city of truth. This is the evidence that 8,000 people registered its curriculum to study the word of Shinchonji in only two days. Anyone who wants salvation has to study the Shinchonji words. This event has never been come out and happened firstly in entire human history. Now it is coming out in this country.

● Which one is God’s side between Korean Christianity making slander and Shinchonji teaching Bible only?
-  After we heard the words, we realized that the standard of legitimacy and heresy must be judged only by Bible. In Shinchonji, we learned only the Bible (not anything). Other churches drove people (who went Shinchonji) -confined, assaulted and forced religious education for conversion. In spite of the suffering, Shinchonji always cried “the truth” and appealed resentment legally and peacefully. As the Bible said, “the people who curse and persecute are like Satan, you, who have an ear, make judgment by yourself who is God’s side and Satan’s. Their deeds will be on their side.

Lots of pastors and doctors of divinity grant the words of Shinchonji came from Shinchonji is the supreme.
- Many doctors and pastors who studied the Bible in Shinchonji, they maintained it is the best words in the world (got evidence). They also acknowledge one of the least of these brothers who became tree of life in Shinchonji, 12 tribes, is greater than any doctors and pastors. 

As well as we presbyters declare that everything we wrote is true in front of God and Jesus, we urged all of Korean Christians and all press as following contents.

1. Every priest including the Christian council of Korea do not interrupt believers who want to be a member of ‘the City of True’ Shinchonji!

-The corrupt and degenerated Christian religion must be end, and they should be reformed in the new revelational words of Shinchonji.
-Do not interrupt the Christian by ecclesiastical authority and falsehood to go to Shinchonji today as the priest did that at a first Jesus’ coming. Do not tell untruth related in annotations and people’s guess. We really want to appeal you to listen carefully and to repent of your sins through Shinchonji words.

2. The Christian who are hunger and thirst for righteousness should dismiss their own ideas and listen to Shinchonji center located all over the country!

-God is never with the priest who is corrupt and has no words. We sincerely hope you do not keep your faith as if you are a crippled person. If you want to go to heaven, you have to realize when this time is, and follow the word of God.

3. All press should report the true about Shinchonji without any prejudice!

-What we ask Korean journalist is to confirm huge and powerful organization is not always right and true. Please write the real fact that many Christians have thronged into the Shinchonji to hear the sermon even though many people have abused Shinchonji. Because of that, the priests who have abused the Shinchonji have thought their faithful were robbed to us. Let’s think about this reason why about 3000 Presbyterians and many priests followed the words, even though they threw their authority away. We are not blind fool. Approximately 100,000 members of Shinchonji are more sincere Christian rather than anyone.

4. Administrative organization (National Human rights Commission of the Republic of Korea & Supreme Prosecutor’s Office) does not pass over forced religious education for conversion and an infringement of human rights! Do rectify unfair and wrong point of view about religious administration of Shinchonji right now!

-How can religion have effect on polite and why does the politician govern religious part unfairly? Do not make the people treated unfair as being same citizen of one nation. 

5. We let you understand Shinchonji clearly and correctly. Do not disparage Shinchonji by untruth anymore.

1) The leader of the Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) is Jesus, not a person.

Shinchonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. As the name already suggest, Shinchonji is the Church for Jesus. So far, the leader of Shinchonji is Jesus! Who says the chairman of Shinchonji is religious sect leader?

2) As well as the slanderous report from MBC PD note in 2007 was not true, counterargument and correct news were reported from them again in 2009.

-Do not disparage Shinchonji by untruth anymore. Doctors of divinity who have studied Bible in Shinchonji blew the whistle with their autographed confirmation (in 2010); “Shinchonji is not a heresy and this is the supreme truth in human history.”

3) 12 tribes of Shinchonji, is Heaven that God builds according to the promise on the New Testament.

4) The way for salvation is to get the real revelation words, and throw away untruth. Do participate in open forum without any prejudice!

Oct. 31. 2011 The elders who become the members of “the City of True, the wonderful Shinchonji Church of Jesus (association of Presbyterian) / The elders who took part in “Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar’

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