Tuesday, September 4, 2012

got another answer to go to Berlin

I am 00 000 from Congo, Africa. 
I was a Roman Catholic when I was young by the influence of my parents, but I converted myself into Christian after I grew up. After that, I attended every Sunday services and didn’t miss any bible studies. However, I remember praying and crying out every day to God to let me know of his will.

One day, while I way praying, I got an answer to my prayer to leave Bremen. I had no idea where I should be heading. I prayed harder and got another answer to go to Berlin. Even though there were many obstacles, I obeyed his will and moved to Berlin. But still, I wasn’t able to hear any of his will during the service, and often just stayed in the restroom until the sermon was finished. I could only pray to God saying ‘God, I don’t want to stay in this church where your words don't exist. But can not leave either since you sent me here. Please, save me Lord.’

Moving from Bremen to Berlin, Following God’s command.

And one day, in 2010 I met a sister, and that was the day that changed my whole life. When I first met her, she asked me three questions. The first one was if I understood what Matthew 24:29 really meant, and my answer was no. Second one was if I wanted to know the answer. And last one was if I wanted to learn God's words. I was desperate and my answer was yes, without any hesitation.
I started bible study with her right afterwards. Then I found out what the ‘Go to Berlin.’ answer really meant. I was starved to Gods words and God led me to his grand thankful present. I entered Zion Christian Missionary Center on the May of 2011 and started to learn revelational words from a great teacher.
But I, who had never even got any cold, had to struggle with serious sickness. I wasn’t even sure if I could finish the course. However, I fought against the sickness with the prayers of teachers and classmates and the God’s words. After the elementary course, I started to pray "Please my Lord, let me face the pastor you promised in your words.

May 12th, Unforgettable day when I met the promised pastor in Berlin
Then, what a great news! The pastor I waited for so much was coming to Europe. I couldn’t fall asleep. I didn’t even get hungry without any food and so excited to meet him with all my heart. And coincidentally, I had my first service at Shinchonji church ten days before the Chief Lee Man-Hee arrived in Europe. All the Shinchonji members who welcomed me with bright smiles felt like angels to me.
May 12th of 2012 will be remembered as the most precious day for me because on that day I faced the Chief of the church in a real close distance.

For the further parts, you can check on the Shinchonji internet news at www.scjnew.com

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