Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar -- In Gwangju, Bitgoul(the Light District) at this time.

[Society] Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar -- In Gwangju, Bitgoul(the Light District) at this time.

It made people make sure the popularity for words of God by overflowing
 the Open Bible Seminar in Gwangju.

Shinchonji Church of Jesus Temple of the tabernacle of the Testimony (Shinchonji) which is holding Open Bible Seminar over 11th in the whole country from the end of last year held 'Open Bible Seminar of New covenant' on November 21th in Gwangju KimDaeJung Convention Center.
This Gwangju Open Bible Seminar which was followed by Busan Open Bible Seminar on November 17th let people know the prophecy and entity of the New Testament. It made people make sure the real popularity for words of God by overflowing the Open Bible Seminar from two o'clock in the afternoon.
A lecturer, Yu, young ju gave a lecture on 'A second coming of Jesus and signs of the End of the Age' in Matthew 24 on November 21th at 2 P.M.
"The war described on Matthew 24 is not the physical war but doctrines and ecclesiastical authority war between pastors, one of which is led by the holy spirits and the other by evil spirits in the temple of the God. As promising on the Bible, Jesus will gather his elect from the north, south, east and west with his angles after this war."
The lecturer asked people who attended the seminar " Do you believe in Jesus and his promised words indeed?" 

▲ About 1800 people who couldn't get in the hall were listening to 
the word of God in front of the video car outside.

"When I think the end of the day or war, it sounds scared to me a lot. My pastor has always said that there would be nuclear war or Judgement Fire in the end of the day. After I heard about it in this Open Bible Seminar, however, I realized that the pastor is not true. I feel I can open my eyes now." said Geunhee Lee(41, female) who heard Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar. The seminar was really crowded with 8thousand people who came from Gwangju and Jeonnam province with eager to hear the lecture of Lee, the general minister of Shinchonji. Moreover, the fever of the seminar hit the ceiling with attendees who couldn't get into the hall listening to the word in front of the video car outside in spite of its subzero weather.
Especially, it made people stunned and moved through the broadcasting the prayer meetings of 12 tribes in Shinchonji who hoped many people get saved through this seminar.
 the general minister emphasized that he testified the last history of God, and what Revelation has been achieved as he saw, heard and was instructed without any adjustments. He said that there is the hope and revival of Christianity only in the word of revelation testified by the promised pastor as well as appealed to regional pastors to take part in spiritual harvest as the time it is.
A member of Gwangju Shinchonji church said, “We have invited all pastors and church members of 1500 churches in Gwangju and there are more than thousand people who want to get counseling and enroll for follow-up lectures after attending the seminar."

Meanwhile, Shinchonji Gwangju Open Bible Seminar there has never been and never will be developed into four subject, "The signs of the end of age and his second coming in Mt 24, Secrets of the kingdom of heaven which are seeds and harvest in Mt 13, Identities about the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the revelation and faith according to all pages of Revelation."
Also, Elders of the Presbyterians Mission Council who heard words of Shinchonji, being the elders of the former Christianity, held a press conference at the Seoul Press Center on last October 31th. They confessed "Shinchonji has the truth and we met for a true pastor." That was becoming hot news in Korean Christianity.

Anyone can watch this open bible seminar of shinchonji which will be a surprising change and history in the field of Christianity with shinchonji’s official web site ( and smart phon( in rear time.


  1. Where is the Gwanju?
    When is lecture again?

  2. Promises and prophecies recorded in the Bible, according to all the evidence, and the emergence of a shepherd of the book of Revelation entities.
