Monday, June 7, 2010

Shinchonji - Repentance and the true life of faith

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith

Repentance and the true life of faith

Humanity has been under sin since the fall of Adam and Eve (Gn 3). This is why God sent us a savior (Jn 1:29; Jn 3:16-17).

At the time of the first coming, John the Baptist and our savior Jesus came to this sinful world as promised in the Bible. The first message they proclaimed was “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is near,” (Mt 3:1-2; Mt 4:17). Repentance is confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness. When they mentioned the kingdom of heaven, they were referring to the spirits in God’s kingdom.

God left the world because of the sins committed by Adam’s generation (Gn 6). He later made it known that he had come to Jesus, who was righteous (Mt 3:16; Jn 1:32). Although the testimonies of John the Baptist and Jesus were true, the people living at that time did not even realize they were slaves of sin, nor did they realize that the spiritual world had come to the earth. This is why, even though God was with Jesus, the people persecuted him instead of believing in him (Mt 27; Jn 8). If they had seen, heard, and understood what John the Baptist and Jesus had seen, heard, and understood, they would have repented. Why did they not see it? They could not see because their sins prevented their eyes from seeing, their ears from hearing, and their hearts from understanding the truth. They could not understand because the devil gave them the desire to be higher by stealing from their neighbors (Gn 3:1-7; Lk 20:9-15)

Today, the world of believers is like the time of Noah, the time of Lot, and the time of Jesus’ first coming (Mt 24:37-39; Lk 17:26-29; Rv 11:8). We proclaim, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is near,” but people arrogantly believe they are saved, they have received the holy spirit, and they are orthodox. Do you think they will repent? They are calling Jesus a liar by not believing in his words and acting accordingly. Jesus said that the sun, moon, and stars, which represent Spiritual Israel, would go dark and fall (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-14). He also asked whether the son of man would find faith on the earth when he comes (Lk 18:8). What is the difference between the first coming of Jesus and today? Today is the time of harvest, which is the end of the churches where the seeds were sown (Mt 13:39-40; Rv 6). Today is the time of the second coming of the Lord, who comes like a thief (Mt 24:43-44; 1 Thes 5:2; Rv 3:3; Rv 16:15). Those who remain in the field instead of being harvested are the weeds that are tied in bundles (Mt 13:30). Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), who can deny this reality? Those who persecute others by insisting on their own interpretations instead of accepting the testimony of the physical fulfillment, do not know the Bible or God' will.

Those who criticize, judge, persecute, and mock are people who do not keep Jesus’ commands (Gal 4:29). They do not know the scriptures or the true will of God (Mt 22:29). Instead, they curse and persecute as the workers of the devil. Now is the time to discern who keeps Jesus’ commands and who does not. Who are the true believers who carry out Jesus’ will? Who is a cult and who is orthodox? Everyone must recognize the time we are living in and repent (Lk 12:56-57). We must know who we are in truth and live a true life of faith. We must be born again of the water and spirit according to Jesus’ will; we must be re-created as a new person (Jn 3:5-6; 1 Cor 5:17). This is how we can enter the kingdom of heaven and live with God, Jesus, and the holy angels.


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