Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Passover story of Eun-Kwang church to Shinchonji.

I have been started my faith at Eun-Kwang church. The reasons why I got a faith are problems with my husband and economical problem. Whatever I got a work or part-time job, I went a church every Sunday. And I have been read the Bible before I went a church but as I red the Bible, there were lots of quires. However I couldn’t ask about the bible cause of chicken-heart. On Sunday, at the church, a pastor should shout God’s word, but he only spoke ‘world economy, and a war in Iraq not the Bible itself. I got the Bible study from a pastor’s teachers’ wife, but the level was just elementay and it was waste of time I thought. Before Sunday, visited pastor’s private residence. he was struggling with preparation of sermon, the Bible underneath of annotated textbooks. It was pride of him. Meanwhile, I met a missionary from Shinchonji and I have studied the Bible. All the quires of words solved in the Bible and I knew It came from Shinchonji - promised at the Rev. 21:1 Now I realised that true light is in Shinchonji and I am thank to God who led me the way to life.

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