Monday, December 27, 2010

Shinchonji, where I found the light and love

“Shinchonji, where I found the light and love”
December 15, 2010 Reporter- Duna Kim

▲Picture of class of # 93-2, Shinchonji Peter tribe. On Dec 12nd, 1503 people graduates gathered for graduation ceremony at Yumju stadium, Gwangju, S. Korea. (Picture provided by Shinchonji)

In Cheonam Province, 2600 people registered in 2010 … 250 people graduate per a month
GwangJu Handicapped Association expressed gratitude toward members of Shinchonji who volunteered it for 10 years.

[Chonji-Ilbo, Reporter Duna Kim] “I was able to feel the heaven when I came to Shinchonji”

On December 12nd, in front of the main door of Yumju indoor stadium, a vast placard written as above was displayed. Around the Yumju Stadium, there were multitudes of people holding flowers on their hand and at the left side of the entrance, people wearing indigo costumes with mortarboards were standing in a well organized way.

The number of these people was 1503. This large scale event was a graduation ceremony of Shinchonji Temple of the Tebernacle of the Testimony(Shinchonji).

• The reason people go to Shinchonji

On this day, people from Shinchonji Peter tribe (GwangJu, Sunchon, Mokpo, and Yosu) and graduates filled the Yumju indoor stadium completely, which has 9100 total seats. Although Shinchonji is being criticized by traditional churches as a heresy group, it is now having escalating number of people registered as member.

According to the data provided by Shinchonji Peter tribe, there were 1101 graduates on last February. And now, in 10 months, 1503 more people registered as members of Shinchonji.

Especially Mr.S, who made the main speech representing the graduate group, was the one who harshly criticized Shinchonji. During his speech, he said, “according to pastors from traditional churches, I heard that Shinchonji is a notorious heresy group, which illegally imprisons people and commits violence. However, my experience in Shinchonji was love itself.”, “I, myself is an advocate of seeing what Shinchonji did. I found out that nobody can prevent stopping people coming to Shinchonji.”

Mr.Kim(51), a graduate of Shinchonji, said that he was totally satisfied with what Shinchonji taught to him, different from what traditional churches teach; teaching the Bible in vague and unclear ways. He also said, “At Shinchonji, I was able to learn the Bible in an organized way by studying and now I understand metaphors and parables in the Bible clearly.”

▲Picture of class of 93-2, Shinchonji Peter tribe. On Dec 12nd, 1503 people had graduation ceremony at Yumju stadium, Gwangju, S. Korea. ( Picture provided by Shinchonji)

*Everything is different in Shinchonji

Mr.Bae, an official of Gwangju Handicapped Association, said that although he has been in other events lead by different churches, he never experienced large scale event as this one. He said, “Although people say Shinchonji is a heresy group that illegally imprisons people and commits violence, what I experience from them is totally opposite.

Mr.Bae said, “I was very impressed with the attitudes of graduates sitting in the stadium for several hours in an organized way, without going to bathroom.”, “I think this event can be a good model for others.”

Four or five times every year, about 50 members of Shinchonji Gwangju church volunteer for Handicapped Association, which has been 10 years from now. Mr. Bae remarked that “although volunteers are different for each time, the attitude of them never changes. I sincerely appreciate the members of Shinchonji, who have been serving us for 10 years.”

• The history of Shinchonji is a promise of God

An official from the theology department of Shinchonji Peter tribe explained that, to take official 6 month course, one should acknowledge the word of God first by studying the Bible within a small group.

Furthermore, he also emphasized that graduation is not the end. To be officially registered as a member of Shinchonji, one should learn the culture of Shinchonji first.

Mr.Jaesub Ji, who is the leader of Shinchonji Peter Tribe, said “Since we, Shinchonji, are performing our duties according to the Bible and what God said, one should believe this.” He also mentioned that “It is not human’s work. It is God’s work. The ones who really need to know about this are pastors. Like the scripture of Acts 5:38~39, people will only find themselves fighting against God if they try to stop us.”
